Jul 15, 2016
No, it’s not an M. Night
Shyamalan film, it’s our recap of the World History Association
Annual Meeting in Gent, Belgium. We talk Bancroft Prizes (the very
nsfw Onion article is here!), podcast stats, a great paper on
mapping by Alex Zukas, the Ottoman History Podcast, and why
everyone should be a WHA member. After this we do a “Big Pitcher” –
Matt is on point with a Belgian Piraat while I lazily grab a Sierra
Nevada Pale Ale. We discuss my forthcoming course on the history of
globalization, and Matt gets theoretical with his suggestions for
the syllabus, including Osterhammel, Chase-Dunn and Lerro, and
Bayly. My personal favorite book on globalization in the ancient
world is by Jennings. Recommendations are:
– Cline, 1177 BC
– Ferguson, Expectations of Modernity